TIPS for Cyber Security

Cyber Security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks.

Using the Internet to keep in touch with friends and family, read news and other information, or play games, etc introduces a level of risk where unscrupulous individuals or groups may target your device to extract sensitive information, load unwanted material to your device or prevent you from accessing your own data by using encryption unless you pay a fee.

Just like fastening your seatbelt before driving your car, it is important that you take steps when using the Internet to make your devices more secure. Failure to do so can lead to very unpleasant and unnecessary situations, which can be costly to fix.

You need to be aware that cyber criminals are crafty and might look genuine by using familiar names, and email addresses, etc, so always be cautious and check before you act. Here are some real scams currently circulating, with de-activated examples:
  • if you are asked to urgently pay a bill or a reminder that a bill payment is due
    - the usual giveaway here is that your name is not specified,
      or the specified account number and/or reference number is bogus. example
  • if you are asked to change or confirm your details or passwords. example
  • if you are asked to click on a link or open an attachment. example
  • if you have been selected as the lucky winner or recipient of a large sum of money from someone you have never heard of. example
  • if you are informed that there is a refund waiting for you from Inland Revenue. example
  • if you are advised that NZ Post, or a courier company, has been unable to make a delivery and you need to reschedule the delivery. example
Also, resist the temptation to click on an option to "unsubscribe" from any of these types of scams, as this simply confirms your email address, and you can expect to receive even more scam emails.

Cyber Security aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks and technologies. But new threats are uncovered almost daily, so it is an ongoing battle to stay ahead of the cyber criminals.

In some situations you may receive a call on your telephone from someone claiming to be from Spark, often with a foreign sounding accent, telling you that they have found a problem with your Internet connection and require information from you so that they can fix it. Spark, nor any other vendor does this, and it is simply a scam.

The NZ Government's "CERT NZ" website should be your first port of call when you have any issues, for example:

Viruses and Malware

It is generally recommended that you run virus checker and malware detection software on your device, but remember that no software is perfect even when kept up to date. Be warned that Apple devices such as Macs and iPhones are also subject to virus attack, so be wary of anyone who says they are not.

Some virus checker and/or malware detection software may already be running on your device. On Windows systems, Windows Defender is activated by default, and while it is more than 98% effective when connected to the Internet, it is much less so when running unconnected as it doesn't have access to it's online databases to obtain the latest information.

Alternatively you can install other "Third Party" virus checker and/or malware detection software which may provide better protection. There are many to choose from and different people tend to have different favourites depending on what is important to them.

Some of these software products may be free, but in many cases they will cause ads to pop-up when you least expect - paying an annual licence fee will generally stop the latter. Don't just download any free antivirus software online, as many of the ones you see advertised for free are fake. They could download malware or adware onto your computer instead of helping you detect and remove it.

Personal Responsibility

Don't simply rely on the virus checker or malware software to keep your device safe. A large part of Cyber Security is understanding the threats and taking precautions to avoid destructive software being installed on your device in the first instance. So please take time to click on the CERT NZ links above and follow the advice contained there.

All of the information is important and it can take some time to read and understand, but it will be time well spent and your device(s) will love you for it!

Most of the banks also provide information on how to stay safe when using their online banking facilities, and these can be found under Computer & Online Security in our Links section, along with other useful links.